11th Sunday After Trinity – Church Back Home – August 7, 2016

Here’s more potential controversy! At any rate, it won’t sit well with some folks. In the Epistle, Paul points out that the same grace is given to all. This extends from those who were closest to Jesus, such as Peter, to those like Paul who had once persecuted Jesus’ followers.

The gospel points out another basic fact, that being that excessive pride does not bring grace. A Pharisee and a tax collector went to pray in the temple. The Pharisee was supposedly a paragon of righteousness, while the tax collector was seen as a crook. But who was it that went home justified?

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Eleventh Sunday After Trinity – Church Back Home – August 16, 2015

The Epistle can be seen by many as yet another announcement of what should be obvious, but there are those who need to know. And there are those who need to be reminded.

And speaking of reminders, the Gospel reading exposes an uncomfortable issue which is at least as much an issue today as it was in Jesus’ time! Most of us can see that issue in someone, and we all need to be sure that we prevent it from being seen in ourselves!